Whistleblower Policy

Right to Report

In order to foster and maintain an environment in which employees can come forward and express concerns about improper or potentially illegal misconduct, we offer protection from any retaliatory action against the individual reporting the concern. Specifically, employees may not threaten, intimidate, coerce, or in any way interfere with an individual’s right to report an ethical violation.

Nor will punitive actions, unfair treatment or harassment of any kind be tolerated as a result of an individual reporting a potential violation. You may contact your supervisor or local Human Resources Partner for support. In addition, you can call the Chief People Officer at (925) 948-4000 or the Alert Line at 1-(800) 780-0108.

Where to Go for Guidance

For any issues concerning unethical behavior of a human relations nature such as sexual, physical or verbal abuse, including bullying, intimidation and harassment, please immediately contact the Interim Senior Vice President Human Resources. These types of behaviors will not be tolerated.

All reports of unethical behavior will be treated confidentially unless otherwise required by law. Employees may submit written reports with their name or anonymously. For telephone reports, callers may remain anonymous by calling the Alert Line at 1-(800) 780-0108.

Employees are expected to cooperate in any investigations of misconduct. Retaliation, reprisal, threats, harassment, discrimination, or any other adverse action against an employee who in good faith reports misconduct by others is illegal and will not be tolerated.

Alert Line

Available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for those that want to report unethical or illegal matters such as fraud, theft, harassment, discrimination, hostile workplace, accounting matters, audit issues, regulatory concerns, etc. Alert Line Telephone: 1-(800) 780-0108 Alert Email: AlertLineContact@gmail.com.

You can reach the Interim Senior Vice President Human Resources by calling (925) 948-2702.
